Car Accidents

Why Hire a Virginia Car Accident Attorney?

Car accidents can be terrifying, especially when you or a loved one suffers injuries. Even a “fender bender” can lead to injuries
such as whiplash. The claims process can be equally stressful. Insurance companies are in business to make money. They
will frequently pay out as little as possible for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other compensable expenses
associated with your accident and recovery. But a Virginia car accident lawyer can help ensure that you receive
the compensation that you deserve.

Fill out our Free Case Evaluation form below and we’ll contact you to schedule a free consultation with an attorney.

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help Me?

If you’re having trouble recovering money from the insurance company or the at-fault driver, Meet Gray.
Our goal is to help you get the compensation you deserve for:

Your medical bills, including future rehabilitation expenses

Lost wages from missed work, including any loss in future earning capacity

Out-of-pocket expenses caused by the accident

Intangible damages such as pain, suffering and mental anguish

How Can a Car Accident Attorney Help Me?

Unfortunately, car accidents are common in Virginia. We contend with congested roadways, which can lead to reckless driver behavior.
Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. Over 30,000 people die each year nationwide, and account for $44 billion in medical and lost work costs. Another 2
million people are injured, accounting for an additional $200 billion in costs.

According to the Virginia Department of Transportation, there are more than 125,000 crashes in Virginia each year. From those crashes,
more than 750 people are killed and more than 65,000 people are injured on Virginia’s highways each year

What Causes Car Accidents?

There are numerous reasons for car accidents – in fact, too many to fully detail. Each car accident is unique and fault depends on
individual circumstances. However, there are several causes that often play a role in Virginia auto accidents:

What Causes Car Accidents?

In recent years, distracted driving has played an increasingly prominent role in car accidents. Even though we have laws limiting and banning certain mobile device use, people still use driving as an opportunity to text, talk, and scroll through social media. A person aught using their phone at the time of an accident may be considered to be at fault. Other examples of distracted driving include eating, drinking, playing with the radio, looking toward the backseat, or any other action that takes a driver’s attention off the road.

Failure to observe the rules of the road

We’re all guilty of breaking traffic laws from time to time – rolling stops, failing to signal, or failing to yield. If a driver doesn’t observe applicable traffic laws, they’ll likely be found at fault for an accident.


Failure to observe the speed limit is another example of a traffic violation, but it so commonly plays a role in car accidents that it merits its own discussion. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is a factor in nearly a third of all serious auto accidents.

Inclement weather

Bad weather like rain, snow, and wind often play a role in auto accidents. Wet roadways and decreased visibility make driving especially hazardous.

Drunk driving

Like distracted driving, driving while impaired plays a major role in car accidents. These types of accidents are often serious and cause permanently disabling injury because they frequently occur at high speeds. Drunk driving is a leading cause of car accident fatality and injury.

Driver fatigue

When we don’t get enough sleep, our judgment becomes impaired. Driver fatigue is especially dangerous when we consider truck drivers, who often travel cross-country and work under tight deadlines. Drowsy driving accidents are on the rise as a whole.

What Are the Most Common Types of
Car Accident Injury?

A car accident can lead to virtually any kind of injury, but some are more common than others. The severity of an injury
will depend on a number of factors, for example, vehicle speed and the types of cars involved.

These are some of the most common reported injuries from car accidents:

Head injuries

In serious car accidents, victims may suffer from open or closed head injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI). The side effects from these injuries can be permanently disabling and require a lifetime of care and assistance.

Neck, back, and spinal injuries.

High speed collisions involve a lot of force. As such, victims commonly report head and back injuries. Spinal injuries may include disc displacement, fractured vertebrae, or nerve damage. These injuries require immediate and ongoing medical attention.

Injuries to the face

Drivers often report mild or severe injuries to the face as the result of impact with another vehicle. Examples include broken or bruised cheekbones, broken noses, burns from airbag impact, and concussions.


Broken bones are commonplace in both high and low impact collisions. Drivers and passengers may suffer broken bones in the wrists, collarbone, or extremities. Other injuries, such as dislocation and bone bruising may also occur.

Internal bleeding

If left untreated, internal bleeding can be devastating, leading to organ failure, sepsis, or death.

Mental injuries

Some injuries might not manifest until well after an accident. For example, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression can seriously diminish quality of life.

I’ve Been in an Accident. Now What?

Being in a car accident is frightening. If you’ve been involved in an accident, take a deep breath and take the following actions:

  • Make sure everyone is okay. In the event of injury, call 911.
  • Call the police. You will need to file a police report to make a claim with your insurance company even if you just want to cover the repair of your own vehicle.
  • Take photos of the scene. It’s important to have photo evidence of the damage to your vehicle, and if you have any visible injuries, you should document those as well.
  • Provide an accurate statement to the police officer. It’s important to only give the facts when speaking to the police. If you are unsure about your injuries or the cause of the accident, say that you are unsure. It’s important that all records of your accident are accurate.
  • Get Medical Attention. You may be in shock and unaware of any injuries following a crash. If you were in a high impact collision, you may be at risk for a concussion or other brain injury.
  • Call Gray. Contact us for a free case evaluation. There is no obligation. If you retain us, we’ll help you file an insurance claim and advocate for you to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Much does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost in Virginia?

We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay no legal fees unless we recover money for you. If we are successful, then we take a percentage of the recovery. This way, our interests are aligned. Our goal is always to maximize your recovery.  Additionally, we will evaluate your case for free, so do not hesitate to call us and ask us any questions you would like!

Gray Broughton focuses his attention on personal injury. We can dedicate our wealth of experience and resources to your case. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may feel you have limited options for paying your bills and keeping your family afloat. Our Richmond, Virginia law firm is happy to guide you through the process of civil litigation and help you receive compensation for damages. We help our clients get settlements to pay for past and future medical bills, lost wages, losses in earning capacity, and damages such as emotional anguish and pain and suffering.

We offer our undivided and personalized attention to all of our clients. If payment is a concern, we offer services on a contingency-fee basis, which means you’ll only owe legal fees if we recover for you.

To learn more about how we can help, contact us to set up a free initial consultation with experienced personal injury attorney in Richmond.